Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013


Pengertian, Prinsip, dan Unsur-unsur Koperasi

      Pengertian Koperasi

1.      Definisi ILO
defenisi koperasi menurut ILO (International Labour Organization) yang lebih terperinci sebagai  berikut:
“Cooperative defined as an association of person usually of limited means, who are voluntarily joined together to achieve a common economic end through the formation of a democratically controlled business organization, making equitable contribution to the capital required and accepting a fair share of the risk and benefits of the undertaking”
     dalam defenisi ILO tersebut, terdapat elemen yang dikandung koperasi sebagaiberikut: 
  • Koperasi adalah perkumpulan orang-orang (Association of person).
  • Penggabungan orang-orang tersebut berdasarkan kesukarelaan (Voluntary joined together).
  • Terdapat tujuan ekonomi yang ingin dicapai (to achieve a common economic end).
  • Koperasi di bentuk adalah suatu organisasi bisnis (badan usaha) yang diawasi dan dikendalikan secara demokratis (formation of a democratically controlled business organization).
  • Terdapat kontribusi yang adil terhadap modal yang dibutuhkan (making equitable contribution the capital required).
  • Anggota koperasi meminta resiko dan manfaat secara seimbang (accepting a fair of the risk and benefits or the undertaking).

2.     Definisi Chaniago
        Arifinal Chaniago (1984) mendefinisikan koperasi sebagai suatu perkumpulan yang beranggotakan  
        orang-orang atau badan hukum, yang memberikan kebebasan kepada anggota untuk masuk dan keluar,
        dengan bekerja sama secara kekeluargaan menjalankan usaha untuk mempertinggi kesejahteraan 
        jasmaniah para anggotanya.

3.     Definisi Dooren
        P.J.V Dooren mengatakan bahwa, tidak ada satupun defenisi koperasi yang diterima secara umum 
       (Nasution, M. dan M. Taufik, 1992). Dooren memperluas pengertian koperasi, dimana koperasi tidak 
        hanya kumpulan orang-orang melainkan juga kumpulan badan-badan hukum.

4.      Definisi Hatta
         sebagai “bapak koperasi Indonesia” definisi koperasi menurut hatta adalah usaha bersama untuk 
         memperbaiki nasib penghidupan ekonomi berdasarkan tolong – menolong. Semangat tolong menolong 
         tersebut didorong oleh keinginan memberi jasa kepada kawan berdasarkan ‘seorang buat semua dan
         semua buat seorang”

5.      Definisi Munker
         Menurut Munker, koperasi adalah organisasi tolong-menolong yang menjalankan “urus niaga” secara 
         kumpulan, yang berasaskan konsep tolong menolong. Aktivitas dalan urus niaga semata – mata  
         bertujuan ekonomi, bukan social seperti dikandung gotong – royong.

6.      Definisi UU No.25/1992
         Koperasi adalah badan usaha yang beranggotakan orang per orang atau badan hokum koperasi, 
        dengan melandaskan kegiatannya berdasarkan prinsip koperasi sekaligus sebagai gerakan ekonomi 
        rakyat, yang berdasr atas asas kekeluargaan.

                                                          Prinsip – Prinsip Koperasi

Prinsip koperasi menurut UU no. 25 tahun 1992 adalah:
  • Keanggotaan bersifat sukarela dan terbuka
  • Pengelolaan dilakukan secara demokrasi
  • Pembagian SHU dilakukan secara adil sesuai dengan jasa usaha masing-masing anggota
  • Pemberian balas jasa yang terbatas terhadap modal
  • Kemandirian
  • Pendidikan perkoperasian
  • Kerjasama antar koperasi

Prinsip menurut  Munkner :
  • Keanggotaan bersifat sukarela
  • Keanggotaan terbuka
  • Pengembangan anggota
  • Identitas sebagai pemilik dan pelanggan
  • Manajemen dan pengawasan dilaksanakan scr demokratis
  • Koperasi sbg kumpulan orang-orang
  • Modal yang berkaitan dg aspek sosial tidak dibagi
  • Efisiensi ekonomi dari perusahaan koperasi
  • Perkumpulan dengan sukarela
  • Kebebasan dalam pengambilan keputusan dan penetapan tujuan
  • Pendistribusian yang adil dan merata akan hasil – hasil ekonomi
  • Pendidikan anggota

Prinsip Koperasi menurut Rochdale :
  • Pengawasan secara demokratis
  • Keanggotaan yang terbuka
  • Bunga atas modal dibatasi
  • Pembagian sisa hasil usaha kepada anggota sebanding dengan jasa masing – masing anggota
  • Penjualan sepenuhnya dengan tunai
  • Barang-barang yang dijual harus asli dan tidak yang dipalsukan
  • Menyelenggarakan pendidikan kepada anggota dengan prinsip – prinsip anggota
  • Netral terhadap politik dan agama

Prinsip koperasi menurut Raiffeisen :
  • Swadaya
  • Daerah kerja terbatas
  • SHU untuk cadangan
  • Tanggung jawab anggota tidak terbatas
  • Pengurus bekerja atas dasar kesukarelaan
  • Usaha hanya kepada anggota
  • Keanggotaan atas dasar watak, bukan uang

Prinsip Koperasi menurut Herman Schulze :
  • Swadaya
  • Daerah kerja tak terbatas
  • SHU untuk cadangan dan untuk dibagikan kepada anggota
  • Tanggung jawab anggota terbatas
  • Pengurus bekerja dengan mendapat imbalan
  • Usaha tidak terbatas tidak hanya untuk anggota

Prinsip menurut ICA :
  • Keanggotaan koperasi secara terbuka tanpa adanya pembatasan yang dibuat-buat
  • Kepemimpinan yang demokratis atas dasar satu orang satu suara
  • Modal menerima bunga yang terbatas (bila ada)
  • SHU dibagi 3 : cadangan, masyarakat, ke anggota sesuai dengan jasa masing-masing
  • Semua koperasi harus melaksanakan pendidikan secara terus menerus
  • Gerakan koperasi harus melaksanakan kerja sama yang erat, baik ditingkat regional, nasional maupun internasional

Prinsip / Sendi Koperasi Menurut UU NO. 12/1967 :
  • Sifat keanggotaan sukarela dan terbuka untuk setiap warga negara Indonesia
  • Rapat anggota merupakan kekuasaan tertinggi sebagai pemimpin demokrasi dalam koperasi
  • Pembagian SHU diatur menurut jasa masing – masing anggota
  • Adanya pembatasan bunga atas modal
  • Mengembangkan kesejahteraan anggota khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya
  • Usaha dan ketatalaksanaannya bersifat terbuka
  • Swadaya, swakarta dan swasembada sebagai pencerminan prinsip dasar percaya pada diri sendiri

Prinsip Koperasi UU NO. 25 / 1992 :
  • Keanggotaan bersifat sukarela dan terbuka
  • Pengelolaan dilakukan secara demokrasi
  • Pembagian SHU dilakukan secara adil sesuai dengan jasa usaha masing-masing anggota
  • Pemberian balas jasa yang terbatas terhadap modal
  • Kemandirian
  • Pendidikan perkoperasian
  • Kerjasama antar koperasi  

        Unsur Koperasi Indonesia :
·         •        Koperasi adalah Badan Usaha (Business Enterprise)

·         •        Koperasi adalah kumpulan orang-orang  dan atau badan-badan hukum koperasi

·         •        Koperasi Indonesia koperasi yang bekerja berdasarkan  “prinsip-prinsip koperasi”

·         •        Koperasi Indonesia adalah “Gerakan Ekonomi Rakyat” 

•                  Koperasi Indonesia “berazaskan kekeluargaan

Definition , Principles and Elements of Cooperative
       Definition Cooperatives:
1. ILO definition
          definition of cooperatives according to the ILO (International Labour Organization ), which is more
          detailed as follows :
        " Cooperative defined as an association of persons usually of limited means , who are voluntarily joined 
           together to Achieve a common economic end through the formation of a democratically controlled 
           business organization , making equitable contribution to the capital required and accepting a fair
           share of the risk and benefits of the undertaking "
    In the ILO definition, there are elements contained coorperative:
·                         1. Cooperatives are associations of people ( Association Of Persons ).
·                         2. Incorporation of such persons based on volunteers ( voluntary joined together )
·                         3. There are economic objective to be achieved ( too achieve a common economic end )
·                         4. Cooperatives is an organization in the form of business ( business entities ) are monitored and 
                  controlled democratically ( formation of a democratically controlled business organization )
·                        5. There is a fair contribution to the capital required ( making equitable contribution of the capital 
·                        6. Coorperative members asked risks and benefits are balanced ( accepting a fair the risk and benefits 
                 or the undertaking ) 

     2. Definition Chaniago
    Arifinal Chaniago (1984 ) defines a cooperative as an association whose members persons or legal entities , which gives freedom to the members to enter and exit , by working in a family run business to enhance well-being bodily members.

3 .
Definition Dooren 
     PJV Dooren said that , there is no accepted definition of cooperatives in general ( Nasution , M. and M. Taufik , 1992) . Dooren expand the understanding of cooperatives , where the cooperative is not just a collection of people but also a collection of entities .

4 .
Definition Hatta
As the " father of Indonesian cooperative " according to the definition of cooperative joint ventures to Hatta is improve the lot of subsistence economy based help - help . Spirit of mutual help
is driven by the desire to give service to the fellow by ' one for all and all for one "

5 . Definition Munker
     According Munker , cooperatives are organizations that run mutual help " take care of the commercial " basis collection , which berasaskan concept of mutual help . Role in commercial activities solely mismanagement - the eye economic aims , not social as conceived gotong - royong .

6 . Definition of Law No.25/1992 
     Cooperative is a business entity consisting of individuals or legal entities cooperatives , with bases its activities based on the principles of cooperation as well as economic movement people , who berdasr on a family basis .

                                                       Principles - Principles of Cooperatives

1.      Cooperative principles according to Law no . 25, 1992 are :
-          Membership is voluntary and open
-          Management is done through democracy
-          SHU division conducted fairly in accordance with the business services of each member
-          Provision of fringe benefits that are limited to capital    
-          Autonomy
-          cooperative education
-          Cooperation among cooperatives

2.      Principle according Munkner :
-          Membership is voluntary
-          membership is open
-          developing member
-          Identity as the owner and customers
-          Management and democratic supervision is conducted scr
-          Cooperatives as a collection of people
-          Dg capital related social aspects are not shared
-          Economic efficiency of cooperative enterprises
-          Association with voluntary
-          Freedom in decision making and goal setting
-          Fair and equitable distribution of the results - economic results
-          education members

3.      Rochdale cooperative principles by :
-          Democratic oversight
-          Membership is open
-          Interest on capital is limited
-          Distribution of net income to members proportional to their services - each member
-          Entirely with cash sales
-          The goods sold must be genuine and not forged
-          Provide education to members with the principle - the principle of member
-          Neutral to politics and religion
4.      Raiffeisen cooperative principles by :
-          Non
-          Limited working area
-          SHU for backup
-          Responsibility is not limited to members
-          Administrators to work on a voluntary basis
-          Effort only to members
-          Membership on the basis of character , not money

5.      Cooperative Principle by Herman Schulze :
-          Non
-          Unlimited work area
-          SHU for backup and for distribution to members
-          The responsibility of members is limited
-          Administrators work rewarded
-          Not limited effort not only to members

6.      According to the principle of ICA :
-          Cooperative membership is open without any restriction made-up
-          Democratic leadership on the basis of one person one vote
-          Capital received limited interest ( if any )
-          SHU divided 3 : backup , community , services to members in accordance with their respective
-          All cooperatives must implement continuous education
-          Cooperative movement should carry out close cooperation , both at regional, national and international

7.      Principle / Joint Cooperative According to Law NO . 12/1967 :
-          Nature of voluntary and open membership to any Indonesian citizens
-          Members meeting is the highest authority as a democratic leader in cooperative
-          SHU division is set according to individual services - each member
-          Interest on capital restrictions
-          Develop the welfare of its members in particular and society in general
-          Businesses and ketatalaksanaannya is open
-          Self-help , and self-sufficiency as a reflection swakarta basic principles of self-reliance

8.      Cooperative Principle Act NO . 25/1992 :
-          Membership is voluntary and open
-          Management is done through democracy
-          SHU division conducted fairly in accordance with the business services of each member
-          Provision of fringe benefits that are limited to capital
-          Autonomy
-          cooperative education
-          Cooperation among cooperatives

Elements of Indonesian Cooperatives :
-          Cooperatives are enterprises ( Business Enterprise )
-          Cooperative is a collection of individuals and corporate bodies or cooperative
-          Indonesian Cooperatives cooperative work based on " cooperative principles
-          Cooperative Indonesia is the " People's Economic Movement "
-          Indonesian Cooperatives " based on the principle of family

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