Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Tulisan - Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

 LATIHAN 2 (Hal 19)
Semua kalimat berikut mengandung informasi yang tidak benar.
Perbaikilah dengan :
(a)    Menuliskan kalimat negatif ; dan
(b)   Menuliskan pernyataan afirmatif dengan informasi yang benar

3.      Wood sinks.
(a)    Wood didn’t sink
    S   did not  V1
(b)   They floated
   S        V2

4.      You took a taxi to school today
(a)      I    didn’t  take   a taxi  to school  today
  S   didn’t     V1      O           Ket
(b)     I   took     a motorcycle    to school    today
  S    V2                      O                        Ket               

5.      You’re sitting on a soft, comfortable sofa
(a)       I    wasn’t      sit   on a soft,   comfortable sofa
  S   was not      V1         O                    ket
(b)    I    sat   on a sofa,  comfortable and soft
  S      V2       O                        Ket

Tugas Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

LATIHAN 9 ( Hal 12)
Lengkapi dialog beriku ini dengan menggunakan kata-kata didalam kurung. Berikan juga jawaban singkat untuk pertanyaan jika perlu. Gunakan SIMPLE PRESENT dan PRESENT PROGRESSIVE.

2.     A : (It, rain)     is it rainning    right now ?
B : No,      it’s not       . At least, I (Think, not)      I don’t think

3.     A : (You, like)          Do you like         sour oranges?
B : No,                 I don’t        . I (like)        like          sweet ones.

4.     A : (Your friends, write)    Do you friends write         a lot of letters ?
B : Yes,     he do      . I (get)   get       lots of letters all the time.

5.     A : (The students, take)       are the students take       a test in class right now?
B : No,    They aren’t  .    They (do)      are doing     an exercise.

6.     A : (You, know)           do you know   Tom Adams ?
B : No,   I don’t     . I’ve never met him.

7.     A : (Your desk, have)    Do your desk have     any drawes?
B : Yes,     I have      .  It (have)    has       six drawers.

8.     A : (jean, study)           Is jean study         at the library this evening?
B : No,    She isn’t      . She (be)    is     at the student union. She (play)        plays    
     pool with her friend
A : (jean, play)     Is jean playing        pool every evening?
B : No,    She is no      . She usually (study)      studies       at the library.
A : (She, be)    She is     a good pool player ?
B : Yes,     She is      . She (play)     is playing       pool three or four times a week.
A : (You, know)           Do you know              how to play pool?
B : Yes,       I do       . But I (be, not)    I’m not       very good.
A : Let’s play sometime
B : Okay. That sounds like fun.